UNIFY 10 of 11: How can we find the new wine?
How will the deepest desires of your heart be fulfilled? I know where I keep looking: getting what I want, pleasure, satisfying my appetites, achievements, even through other people. I know it’s kind of a boring list, yet I find that I am still looking. Jesus offers us the hope that there is something that will truly fulfill us: the “fruit of the vine” that he will drink “new in the kingdom of God”. (Mark 14)
Jesus himself is on the edge of a cliff as he speaks – he’s staring down into the darkness of the tomb, the humiliation and pain of the cross. His words to his disciples come in the middle of the Passover meal of the Jews, the renewal of their relationship with God, their covenant. He forms a new meal, the sharing of his body and blood in bread and wine. He shares this new meal with his friends, and so invites them to anticipate the new wine. Why does Jesus want them to share this wine?
The whole Bible reveals to us that we are made for God, that nothing and no one on this earth can ultimately fulfill our deepest needs, our heart’s desire. (Psalm 37:4) Exodus is the beginning of the Covenant between God and His people. They agree to follow everything He tells them to, the Ten Commandments. Then Moses sprinkles them with the blood of the sacrifice – for blood means life, which God gives to all of his creation. (Exodus 24)
God wants they very best for us. He wants us all to join Him in heaven, to share the banquet of the new wine. Meanwhile here on earth we can express this relationship in worship. Worship is the turning of our minds and hearts, our whole selves to God. Jesus offers His whole self to God on the Cross, His blood brings us redemption (Hebrews 9).
We are also invited to give everything of who we are to God. When we turn to Him, we also offer ourselves for the sake of others, just as Jesus did on the Cross. Wherever you have been looking, if you live for worship you will find the ultimate fulfillment of your humanity in heaven. God will finally satisfy your greatest thirst with the new wine of the Kingdom.