
  • St. Francis Xavier receives Ex Corde Grant
  • Pumpkin Pies being baked next Friday, (Oct. 18th) Order one this weekend.
  • Pick up your Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box and/or help support another way (Details follow)

St. Francis Xavier receives Ex Corde Foundation Grant
We are so pleased to announce that the application for the an Ex Corde Grant was reviewed and accepted, and St. Francis Xavier Church Carlsruhe has received from the Ex Corde Foundation of the Diocese of Hamilton a grant in the amount of $15,000. These funds will be used to replace the windows in the St. Francis Xavier Church Hall.

CWL meeting reminder: due to Thanksgiving, our general meeting is moved to Monday 21st October at 6:30pm. We’re starting a little earlier than usual to allow plenty of time for us all to make a Christmas craft to take home! Come join us.

Pumpkin Pie The C.W.L. will be baking fresh pumpkin pies.  Place your order after Masses this weekend, or phone the parish office by Tuesday, Oct. 15 by noon. Pick up a delicious pie on Friday, October 18th.   Supporting the C.W.L. has never tasted so good!  Cost $12.00

Clean / Dry Milk Bags Needed

Help recycle those 4 litre milk bags into washable mats by dropping them off in the Narthex. You are also invited to join in our Monthly Milk Mat Workshops – no special skills required.

One Hour Needing an Adorer: Thursday 10 – 11 am.

Our Adoration Chapel operates from Monday at 9 am until Thursday at 8 pm, with closure over one night period. We encourage you to consider spending an hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament weekly. If you feel you are unable to commit to a specific hour, consider becoming a sub, who fills in on occasion when it works in your schedule. Contact Don Waechter for more information at 5193-364-1185.

Adoration Prayer Cards Available from the parish office for $2. Consider a spiritual gift with a card ‘For someone special’ Wording inside: “You and your intentions were lifted up to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament during my Holy Hour of prayer” A great way to extend your care and God’s love & blessings!

Christmas Hampers Christmas still seems far away, but this is the time when the Vincentians have to start planning for the Christmas hampers for the less fortunate in our community.  If you, or someone you know, needs a hamper for Christmas, please call the parish office.  We always hear in the gospel how much Jesus loves the poor, so please, do not be shy, it is our privilege to help.

Rethreads in Durham: Help needed
Assist Pro-Life causes by donating time at Rethreads, a second hand store in Durham which funds our Hanover Right to Life Organization. Work along side another pro-lifer, preparing items for re-sale and assisting customers. Choose hours and the frequency that works into your schedule. For more information contact Lucy Kalyniak 519-369-6786

Membership / Donation Forms for the Hanover & District Right to Life are available in the Narthex or from our website.

Engage in your parish! Consider serving as a minister of the Word or Eucharistic Minister? Additional Diocesan Formation Workshops in Port Elgin The Diocese has provided Formation Workshops in our Deanery this fall; Minister of the Word, on Sat. Oct 19th at St. Joseph’s Parish in Port Elgin, and Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Communion Sat. October 26th at St. Joseph’s Port Elgin. Register on line or thru the parish office if you would like to serve in one of these Liturgical Ministries, or if you already are on schedule and would like to have a refresher day.

Cursillo Weekend 2024 Women’s Weekend  Nov. 14-17, 2024 in Deemerton We all know God, but how many of us truly know God on a personal and intimate level? A three day Cursillo weekend, which is a short review of Christianity, is designed to help you on that journey. Beginning on Thursday night and ending Sunday afternoon, through a series of talks by lay people and clergy, Celebration of Mass & Reconciliation, you will get to take a closer look at yourself, God, and others. So, if you are an adult, 19 years of age or older, and are open to a closer relationship with our God and Saviour, consider a Cursillo. For more info, please contact Tony or Colleen at 519-496-8114

Card Party Tuesdays Join with others for a friendly game of euchre or solo on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm in the Holy Family Lenhard Room. All are welcome, bring a friend. Admittance: $2.

Scripture Quote to Ponder and Put in Action:
“He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.” Proverbs 17:9

Reflection on Today’s Gospel: Mark 10: 2- 16 Discussion Questions:

  • 1. What in your life could Jesus point to as something that is preventing you from receiving the kingdom?
  • 2. What significance is there to the position the young man was in, when he asked Jesus his question?
  • 3. The gospel states that Jesus loved him, yet gave him what seemed to be ‘an impossible task’.  What does this teach us?

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(October 12/13th)

Saturday Vigil Masses
6:00 pm  Intentions of Mary Ann & Louise Hunt – Anne & Darrell

9 am Mass
For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe Sandra Culliton – The Culliton Family

No Tuesday Mass this week.

11 am Funeral Mass for Joe Foster Visitation prior, beginning at 10 am Obituary

Thursday: 7:00 pm Mass
Ed Hahn – Donna Kroetsch
Marie Skinn – Glenn & Eileen Skinn
Paul O’Connor – Marie Fortune
Patrick Mulhern – Don & Helen Waechter
Sandra Culliton – The Culliton Family
Intentions of Jennifer & Harvey
Intentions of Ioana Mlaolan – The Andonian Family
Special Intentions of George Benninger

Friday: 9:00 am Mass
Norma Mortimer – Dianne Lech
Wilfred & Rita Steffler – Gary Steffler
Bernard & Glenna Oberle, Adrian Oberle, Norman & Tulita Oberle – B Oberle Estate
Intentions of Children’s Liturgy Team & their families – Shari Lorenz
Intentions of Danielle Garvey & Family – Kay
Intentions of Fr. Romelito – A Parishioner

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Oct 19/20th)

Saturday Vigil Masses
4:00 pm Location: St. Anne, Chesley Irene & Hugh Chornaby – The Family
6:00 pm  Eternal Happiness of Robert Schnurr – Jean & Family
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe Ed Hahn – F. J. Gross

Parish News

The Jubilee Year of Hope

Print 🖨 PDF 📄 The Jubilee Year of Hope will be celebrated in the Church throughout 2025. The theme of the year, establish by Pope

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OCC Shoe Box Campaign

Print 🖨 PDF 📄 October 6th News Operation Christmas ChildRed and Green shoeboxes are being distributed at Hanover and Carlsruhe Masses this weekend (regular shoe

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Community News

Regular Office Hours

Monday and Tuesday, 9am to 4pm | Wednesday 9am to 12pm | Thursday and Friday, 9am to 4pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • 5:30pm to 5:55pm Saturday Evening
  • 8:30am to 8:55am Sunday Morning
  • By Appointment

Weekday Mass Schedule

Tuesday at 7pm | Wednesday at 9am | Thursday at 7pm | Friday at 9am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday from 9am to Thursday at 9pm. Call the Parish Office to register for an hour, or drop in during that time.

Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the Parish office at 519-364-1973 and we will be glad to help you.

Donate by e-transfer

You can send e-transfers to donate@holyfamily.ca from your online banking portal or mobile app.

Visit holyfamily.ca/donate for all donation options.

Get in touch with our team

(519) 364-1973

Call us!

Our Address

352 10th Avenue Hanover, ON N4N 2N6


General Inquiries | info@holyfamily.ca

Fr. Romelito Guillen, PP


Rev. Mr. Charles Fernandes


Anne Rehkopf

Office Administration

Parish Secretary

Roy Haskins


Karen Martin


Cheryl Chornaby

Pastoral Associate

Ministry to the sick and shut-in

Sam Zettel

Youth and Evangelization

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