Peace on Earth Community Christmas Wednesday, Dec. 11th
Pot Luck meal at 6 pm, Carols & Service at 7 pm Holy Family Church This is a wonderful opportunity to bring a friends/ neighbor/ co-worker, to a community event and share the joy and message of Christmas. Pray about someone you can reach out to!
Christmas Mass Schedule & Confession Opportunities
Thank you to all those who have supported the recent Community Spaghetti Supper and Community Breakfast last weekend. The parish has received the following proceeds:
Spaghetti Supper $665. to the operating account
Breakfast Dec. 1st $815. to the building account
A special thanks to the Knights and all those who helped organize and volunteer at these fund raisers.
Is Mass / Events Cancelled due to inclement weather?
Two places to check:
Check our website: www.holyfamily.ca. When we post a MASS cancellation we will also send out an email blast to those who have registered for email notices.
Call 519-364-1973 and press 6: Posted Cancellations will be added to this message.
Specifically for St. Francis Xavier Sunday Mass at 11 am – we will aim to make the decision by 9:30 am on Sunday mornings.
Adoration Chapel Closures – organizers will continue to notify committed adorers directly, as they have in the past.
Chapel News: Please make sure you notify Don Waechter (364-1973) if you arrange a substitute for your holy hour, so that we know who to contact if the chapel is closed due to inclement weather. Thank you
Chapel Hours Over Christmas Please note that the Adoration Chapel will close on December 24th at 12 noon, and will remain closed until Monday, January 6th.
Seeking Host for Exchange Student
Request for Volunteers: English for Children I work with newcomer families and am looking for volunteers who would like to teach English to some children in primary grades at Holy Family school. I would orientate the volunteers and set up the program. It would be ideally 3 x a week but 1x would help and maybe we could get more than one volunteer, and each do 1x a week. I can be contacted at 519 371 9222 or shelley.bellwhite@osgb.ymca.ca to discuss further. Thanks for your support and God Bless
CWL Membership: Please submit your membership for 2025 now.
Advent Resources – check out formed.org They are offering a 7 minute daily reflection for Advent “Rooted: Rediscover the Jesse Tree” If you need more information about signing on as a parishioners, for free access, please contact the parish office.
Christmas Flowers for HOLY FAMILY CHURCH
We are most grateful for donations towards the cost of the Christmas Flowers. Please mark your donation as such. In thanksgiving, the 8 pm Christmas Mass will be offered for the intentions of the donors of the Christmas Flowers. It’s a lovely way to remember and pray for your deceased loved ones or special intentions.
(Please note: this applies to Holy Family. The SFX church flowers are already donated.)
Card Party Tuesdays (Last one till the new year – this Tues. Dec. 10th) Join with others for a friendly game of euchre or solo on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm in the Holy Family Lenhard Room. All are welcome, bring a friend. Admittance: $2.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Do you have a few hours per month to help serve the poor?
We are looking for new members for our committee. We meet once a month, with 2 mtgs in November, none in July/Aug. Getting involved could include helping with visits at the church (we always work in pairs) and/or helping with grocery shopping. Please leave your name at the parish office or contact Kay Garvey at 519-506-5883
Reflection on Today’s Gospel Luke 3:1-6 Discussion Questions:
- What description would you use to encourage “preparing the way of the Lord”
- What does leveling mountains look like in 2024?
- Who will you reach out to during this Second week of Advent to share the hope and promises of our Saviour with?
SUNDAY LITURGIES – 2nd Sunday of Advent
(December 7/8)
Saturday Vigil Masses
4:00 pm Location: St. Anne, Chesley
Eternal Happiness of Hugh & Irene Chornaby – The Family
6:00 pm Intentions of Pat Hysert – Donna Kroetsch
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Harold Poechman – The Estate
10:30 am Mass Location: Hanover Care Mass
Rita Dosman – Cheryl Chornaby
7 pm Mass
Harold Poechman – The Estate
Dave Grubb – The Family
Doug McCorry – Gary & Rose Fedy
Wilfred & Rita Steffler – Gary Steffler
Bernard & Glenna Oberle, Adrian Oberle, Norman & Tulito Oberle – B Oberle Estate
Intentions of Murray Gross & Barbara Deeves – their brother
Wednesday 9 am Mass Special Intentions – George Benninger
10:30 School Reconciliation
6pm Peace on Earth Community Christmas Event (see details)
Thursday: 7:00 pm Mass Rita Dosman – Laura Hergott
Friday: 9:00 am Mass
Rita Dosman – Ray & Pat Pegelo
Irene Chornaby – Bob Beckberger
Doug McCorry – Tony & Colleen Regier
Intentions of Allison – Pat
Intentions of Terry – Mom
Intentions of Francie VanDenBoorn – The Andonian Family
Intentions of Mya – Nan
SUNDAY LITURGIES – 3rd Sunday of Advent (Dec. 14/15)
Saturday Vigil Masses
6:00 pm
Deceased members of the Kroeplin & Schnurr families – Jean Schnurr
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Walter & Lorraine Ditner – Daryl & Carol Becker & Family