What does God promise His people? Think about who his people are, and how they are doing. God choses people, “whose hearts are frightened.” God has a special love for you if you are in a state of fear. He promises great things for you through His prophet Isaiah.
I believe that God knows who we really are in a way that we don’t always want to admit. We can often hide the things that show us to be weak– which turns out to be all of us – even me and you. Honestly, some part of each one of us is fearful. There’s good news there, because God promises that, “He comes to save us”!
God gives us a sign of His power to open when Jesus looks at one man, who can’t hear or speak. Jesus shows His love for this one individual when He takes the man off to one side, by himself. Jesus then shows His power as God when He heals the man: imagine what it would be like to be able to hear and to speak again. The man is overjoyed and can’t contain Himself.
That’s the power of God in one man’s life. But this healing has another layer. When we are healed by God, we can hear His word, and we can speak His word to others. This isn’t just about a physical change, it signals how God wants us to hear Him, especially His saving message, the Gospel. We are also being shown that we need to share the Gospel with others.
What are some areas of your life that are blocked?
What is God’s saving message for you today?
Do you feel ready to share God’s message?