Please note: No Mass on Wednesday this week.
Thank you to all those who came out to the parish meeting on Monday. We are so very blessed by the work of the Building and Finance Committee. After a very informative and in depth report, there was overwhelming appreciation and support to proceed the investigation and possibility of submitting a tender. May God bless the outcome, that it be according to His Will.
Community Breakfast: Sunday, Dec. 1st serving 10 am till 1 pm in the Lenhard Room. All are welcome. Cost: Free will offering for Holy family Parish. The Knights are providing for the expenses of the meal, and all donations will go to Holy Family Parish.
Advent Children’s Prayer Service: starting at 5:30 – (home by 7 pm), Sun. Dec. 1st Stories, Songs, Prayers & a snack to help families kick off the Advent Season. This program is geared to children age 4-10 years old. Parents are expected to stay. This family outreach is organized by the Knights of Columbus.
Thank you! In November, the Knights of Columbus have donated a good quality remote microphone for use in the Lenhard Room. They also organized several fund raisers; a community breakfast & Spaghetti supper.
The Catholic Women’s League have donated a Cooler to replace the refrigerator in the Lenhard Room Kitchen. We thank these parish organizations for their ongoing support. It is a great help in keeping our costs manageable. As indicated in the latest financial reports our Holy Family operating deficit is lessening due to the many ways people have helped with resources of time, talent and treasure!
Christmas Mass Schedule & Confession Opportunities
Request for Volunteers: English for Children I work with newcomer families and am looking for volunteers who would like to teach English to some children in primary grades at Holy Family school. I would orientate the volunteers and set up the program. It would be ideally 3 x a week but 1x would help and maybe we could get more than one volunteer, and each do 1x a week. I can be contacted at 519 371 9222 or shelley.bellwhite@osgb.ymca.ca to discuss further. Thanks for your support and God Bless
CWL Membership: Please submit your membership for 2025 now. We would like to have it all in before year end. Rose Fedy won the early bird free membership for next year. Congratulations Rose
Please Note: The Milk Mat Work Bee has been cancelled for December
Advent Resources – check out formed.org They are offering a 7 minute daily reflection for Advent “Rooted: Rediscover the Jesse Tree” If you need more information about signing on as a parishioners, for free access, please contact the parish office.
Rethreads in Durham: Help needed
Assist Pro-Life causes by donating time at Rethreads, a second hand store in Durham which funds our Hanover Right to Life Organization. Work along side another pro-lifer, preparing items for re-sale and assisting customers. Choose hours and the frequency that works into your schedule. For more information contact Lucy Kalyniak 519-369-6786
Christmas Flowers for HOLY FAMILY CHURCH
We are most grateful for donations towards the cost of the Christmas Flowers. Please mark your donation as such. In thanksgiving, the 8 pm Christmas Mass will be offered for the intentions of the donors of the Christmas Flowers. It’s a lovely way to remember and pray for your deceased loved ones or special intentions.
(Please note: this applies to Holy Family. The SFX church flowers are already donated.)
Peace on Earth Community Christmas Wednesday, Dec. 11th
Pot Luck meal at 6 pm, Carols & Service at 7 pm Holy Family Church
This is a wonderful opportunity to bring a friends/ neighbor/ co-worker, to a community event and share the joy and message of Christmas. Pray about someone you can reach out to!
Card Party Tuesdays Join with others for a friendly game of euchre or solo on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm in the Holy Family Lenhard Room. All are welcome, bring a friend. Admittance: $2.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Do you have a few hours per month to help serve the poor?
We are looking for new members for our committee. We meet once a month, with 2 mtgs in November, none in July/Aug. Getting involved could include helping with visits at the church (we always work in pairs) and/or helping with grocery shopping. Please leave your name at the parish office or contact Kay Garvey at 519-506-5883
Reflection on Today’s Gospel Luke 21:25-28,34-36 Discussion Questions:
- What does Jesus warn us, that will only weigh down our hearts, and prevent our alertness?
- What does Jesus tell us to pray for?
- How will you prepare this advent to receive Jesus into your life more fully this Advent & Christmas Season?
SUNDAY LITURGIES – 1st Sunday of Advent
(Nov. 30 / Dec. 1)
Saturday Vigil Masses
6:00 pm
Eternal Happiness of MaryLou Cox – Elizabeth & Albert DiSaverio
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Ed Hahn – Norine Hamilton
7 pm Mass
Francis & Marlene Gross – The children
Harold Poechman – The Estate
Leander & Gertrude Meyers – The Estate
Rita Dosman – Knights of Columbus #5607
Leona Strybosch – Tony & Stephanie Zettel
Dave Grubb – Gary & Rose Fedy
Bernard & Glenna Oberle, Adrian Oberle, Norman &
Tulita Oberle – B. Oberle Estate
10:30 am Mass Location: The Villa
Mary Poechman – The Estate
7:00 pm Mass
Intentions of Dianne, Steven & Mark Treleaven – Doreen Perry
Friday: 9:15 am Mass School Community Mass
Joe Del Guidice – The Family
Deceased family members of Annie Aarts – Irma Arksey
Wiebe Terpstra – Joanne Terpstra
Rita Dosman – Eileen King
Ed Hahn – Tony & Colleen Regier
Bernard & Glenna Oberle, Adrian Oberle, Norman & Tulita Oberle
– B. Oberle Estate
Intentions of Marg Weber – Charlene Eckensweiler
Intentions of May Ann Vincent – The Andonian Family
Intentions of Mila – Annie Aarts
SUNDAY LITURGIES – 2nd Sunday of Advent
(December 7/8)
Saturday Vigil Masses
4:00 pm Location: St. Anne, Chesley
Eternal Happiness of Hugh & Irene Chornaby – The Family
6:00 pm Intentions of Pat Hysert – Donna Kroetsch
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Harold Poechman – The Estate