
Ash Wednesday A day of fast & abstinence

Please note 9: 15 morning Mass. NO EVENING MASS here. 

Intensify your prayer!  Everyone is encouraged to intensify your prayer for World Peace.   We must examine our own lives, repent and pray for God’s mercy which is so greatly needed.  Let us live in hope and confidence,  rejecting fear yet doing all we can to pray and offer penance in reparation of our own, and world sin.  Attending weekday Mass / Adoration & taking time for daily prayer, devotions and reflecting on scripture are all ways we can move forward in our prayer life.

Needed:  twin beds frame and mattress

Our St. Vincent de Paul has had a request for assistance of twin beds, frame & mattresses.  If you have one in good condition to donate, please call the parish office

UNIFY Worship Services – This sessions theme: Rich in Life 

Unify begins with a community meal at 6pm, followed by a service of music, preaching, testimony and prayer. Concludes with dessert at 8pm. Childcare is available!  On Wednesdays – Visit holyfamily.ca/unify for details. (There is the usual Unify Service on Wed. Feb. 14th)

In Father’s absence…

In Father’s absence a visiting priest will be covering our weekend Mass Schedule.

The parish staff are ready to assist you.  Should you require an emergency visit from a priest for a member of your family, or to arrange a funeral please call the parish office.  If we are not there to take the call, a voice mail will direct you to an emergency contact number.  Thank you.

Formed.org We have renewed our parish subscription to this awesome site. There is something for all ages – for all faith interests and quality entertainment. Check it out! Not sure how to log in as a parishioner and receive free access… contact the parish office.

Catholic Women’s League Pot Luck Supper – invitation to all ladies

Mark your calendars.  Members and all ladies are invited to our Valentines potluck supper on Monday, February 12th, 6 pm.  A brief meeting will follow.  Our council has been blessed as the Elections Committee will be there to introduce a new executive for the upcoming term.  Come out to share a meal, some fellowship, and show these ladies your warm appreciation and support!

This Weekend is the monthly Change for Charity Jar Collection

The CWL will have a change jar out with proceeds going to support the  Saugeen Hospice. Thank you


Cursillo Weekend:  Women’s Weekend is Thursday May 30 – June 2, 2024

We all know God, but how many of us truly know God on a personal and intimate level?  A three day Cursillo weekend, which is a short review of Christianity, is designed to help you on that journey.  Beginning on Thursday night and ending Sunday afternoon, through a series of talks by lay people and clergy, Celebration of Mass and Reconciliation, you will get to take a closer look at yourself, God, and others.

 So, if you are an adult, 19 years of age or older, and are open to a closer relationship with our God and Saviour, consider Cursillo.  For more information, please contact Tony or Colleen at 519-496-8114

Please remember in your prayers

  • the soul of Dorothy Herbrink
  • For safe travel home for Fr. Romelito

Tye Quilting for the Missions  Will begin on Monday, January 8, 2024 from 1-4pm in the Carlsruhe Church Hall. Contact Joan Stroeder (519-881-0978) or Anne Schwan (519-367-5466) for more information

Coats for Kids ‘Coats for Kids’ starts collecting coats this time of year at the Hanover Library to be used in the fall program.  If you have a gently used children’s coat that could be reused, please consider donating it to this program.  Thank you

Adoration Chapel Invitation Consider making regular visits to the Adoration Chapel.  Find the blessings, peace, solitude and love of Jesus by placing yourself in His presence.  Call Don & Helen Waechter at 519-364-1185 to learn more. 

Card Parties Tuesdays   All are welcome!  Join with others for a friendly game of euchre or solo on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm, in the Holy Family Lenhard Room.  Bring a friend.  $2.  Admittance  

This Sunday’s Gospel

Mark 1: 40 – 45 Discussion Questions:

  • 1. Why do you suppose Jesus was so moved with pity?
  • 2. Why do you think the man proclaimed it freely, when Jesus asked him not to?
  • 3. What can you learn from this passage?

Mass Schedule


This Weekend (Feb 10/11)

6pm Saturday, Holy Family, Hanover For the eternal happiness of Joe Del Guidice – The Family

9 am Sunday, Holy Family, Hanover For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions

11 am Sunday, St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe For the intentions of Herb Girodat – Ray & Pat Pegelo

Next Weekend (Feb 17/18)

4 pm Location: St. Anne’s Chesley For the eternal happiness of Hugh Chornaby – The Family

6 pm Saturday, Holy Family, Hanover For the eternal happiness of Paul Serre – Irene & Family

9 am Sunday, Holy Family, Hanover For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions

11 am Sunday, St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe For the intentions of Betty Hunt – The Family

Parish News

Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve Masses

Dec. 24th, 6 pm Mass (Holy Family)

Dec. 24th, 8 pm Mass (Holy Family)

Christmas Day Mass

Dec. 25th, 9 am Mass (Holy Family)

Dec. 25th, 11 am Mass (St. Francis Xavier

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Community News

Regular Office Hours

Monday and Tuesday, 9am to 4pm | Wednesday 9am to 12pm | Thursday and Friday, 9am to 4pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • 5:30pm to 5:55pm Saturday Evening
  • 8:30am to 8:55am Sunday Morning
  • By Appointment

Weekday Mass Schedule

Tuesday at 7pm | Wednesday at 9am | Thursday at 7pm | Friday at 9am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday from 9am to Thursday at 9pm. Call the Parish Office to register for an hour, or drop in during that time.

Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the Parish office at 519-364-1973 and we will be glad to help you.

Donate by e-transfer

You can send e-transfers to donate@holyfamily.ca from your online banking portal or mobile app.

Visit holyfamily.ca/donate for all donation options.

Get in touch with our team

(519) 364-1973

Call us!

Our Address

352 10th Avenue Hanover, ON N4N 2N6


General Inquiries | info@holyfamily.ca

Fr. Romelito Guillen, PP


Rev. Mr. Charles Fernandes


Anne Rehkopf

Office Administration

Parish Secretary

Roy Haskins


Karen Martin


Cheryl Chornaby

Pastoral Associate

Ministry to the sick and shut-in

Sam Zettel

Youth and Evangelization

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