
  • Two as One Series begins this week – see more details below
  • Unify begins Wednesday

Unify Winter Session Wednesdays Jan 22. – Feb. 19th, 6-8 pm Theme: Be Not Afraid

Light Meal, Music, Testimony, Prayer – come out and join us!

Adoration Chapel

We are approaching our 27th anniversary of the opening of the chapel. We praise and thank God for all his blessings and the commitment and dedication of the people who come to pray and bring the needs of the community before His Most Holy Sacrament. If you would like to sub or commit to a regular adoration hour, please contact Don at 519-364-1185

St. Francis Xavier Quilting
The Carlsruhe ladies will begin tying quilts on Monday, January 6, 2025, at the hall of the Carlsruhe Church. We start at 1:00 to 4:00 on Monday afternoons. These quilts are sent to Dr. Simone in Toronto and are forwarded to third world countries.  Everyone is welcome & no experience is necessary.  If you need more information please call Anne Schwan 367-5466, Cathy Weber 881-1448 or Joan Stroeder 881-0978.

Card Party Tuesday Join with others for a friendly game of euchre or solo on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm in the Holy Family Lenhard Room. Bring a friend. $2. admittance

Two As One Series for Married Couples Will your New Year’s Resolutions include re-focusing on the gift of marriage?  Our Two As One series will run each Thursday evening after Mass, starting January 23rd, and will continue for six weeks.  This is a great opportunity for a weekly Catholic reflection on marriage, and to share some fellowship with other married couples in our parish.  Married couples of all ages, please consider joining us!

Heroes of Hope

Be sure to read ‘Heroes of Hope’ (scroll down) It’s theme is Parish Ministries which so many of you are involved in. If you currently are not involved as a Minister of Hope in our parish communities – it will give you a broad look at a wide variety of opportunity.

Canadian Food for Children Team requires coordinator
To assist the team of volunteers in place the CFFC team requires a person who can load and unload the packed boxes from here to Cuneo’s warehouse on packing days which is generally about every 4-6 weeks on a Monday morning. If this is something you are interested in helping out with, please contact the parish office for more information.

Mark your calendars! The next Community Breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, February 2nd following 9 am Mass and serving until 1 pm. Cost: free will offering for Holy Family Parish We thank the Knights for organizing these fellowship and fund raising events!

Scripture Quote to Ponder & Put into Action: “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” 1 Corinthians 12:7

Reflection on Today’s Gospel John 2: 1-12 Discussion Questions

  • How do you image Jesus felt about his mother’s suggestion that he do something about the wine?
  • How often do you feel pressure from family or friends to do something you didn’t want to do? Is it usually something good or not so good?
  • John calls this miracle a sign. What is it a sign of? Back then? Today? In your life?
  • Right now, what is the most exciting thing in your spiritual life? What in your life feels stale? What would you like prayer support for?

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Jan 18/19)

Saturday Vigil Masses
4:00 pm Location: St. Anne, Chesley Eternal Happiness of Irene Chornaby – Bob Beckberger

6:00 pm   Eternal Happiness of Joe Foster – Jerry & Ruth Schlosser
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Alan Peebles – Bruce Grey Catholic D School Board

Tuesday:  7 pm Mass
Eternal Happiness of

  • Rita Dosman – St. Peter & St. Pauls School staff
  • Liette Gagne – Tony & Stephanie Zettel & Family
  • Margaret Dunnigan – F.J. Gross
  • Dan Nolan – F.J. Gross
  • Intentions of Thea Zettel – April & Andrew

Wednesday 9 am Mass Eternal Happiness of Joe Foster – Ed & Elise King

10:30 am Mass Location: Sprucewood (The Village)
Deceased members of the Troy & Csontos family – Irene
7:00 pm Mass Intentions of Frank & Margaret Adamic – Bob & Helen Andonian

Friday: 9:00 am Mass

  • Eternal Happiness of Pete Koebel – Beth & Gail
  • Eternal Happiness of Marg Dunnigan – Noreen Hamilton
  • Eternal Happiness of Joe Del Guidice – The Family
  • For those who have no-one to pray for them – F.J. Gross
  • Intentions of Marg Weber – Diane Mc Nichol
  • Intentions of Dane & Crystal

SUNDAY LITURGIES 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Jan 25/26)

Saturday Vigil Masses
6:00 pm  
Eternal Happiness of Erwin Ste. Marie – Glenn & Eileen Skinn
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Wilbert Stroeder – Betty Hunt

Parish News

Community News

Regular Office Hours

Monday and Tuesday, 9am to 4pm | Wednesday 9am to 12pm | Thursday and Friday, 9am to 4pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • 5:30pm to 5:55pm Saturday Evening
  • 8:30am to 8:55am Sunday Morning
  • By Appointment

Weekday Mass Schedule

Tuesday at 7pm | Wednesday at 9am | Thursday at 7pm | Friday at 9am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday from 9am to Thursday at 9pm. Call the Parish Office to register for an hour, or drop in during that time.

Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the Parish office at 519-364-1973 and we will be glad to help you.

Donate by e-transfer

You can send e-transfers to donate@holyfamily.ca from your online banking portal or mobile app.

Visit holyfamily.ca/donate for all donation options.

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(519) 364-1973

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Our Address

352 10th Avenue Hanover, ON N4N 2N6


General Inquiries | info@holyfamily.ca

Fr. Romelito Guillen, PP


Rev. Mr. Charles Fernandes


Anne Rehkopf

Office Administration

Parish Secretary

Roy Haskins


Karen Martin


Cheryl Chornaby

Pastoral Associate

Ministry to the sick and shut-in

Sam Zettel

Youth and Evangelization

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