The Office of Youth Ministry has produced a resource for those graduating grade 12. Please visit their webpage to access the brochure and the suggested resources to help you stay connected to the faith and your parish after graduating from your Catholic High School:

Please pray for the soul of Gerald (Charlie) Moyer, brother of Cathy Campbell

Congratulations to Bert & Joan Stroeder, parishioners of St. Francis Xavier, on the celebration of their 60th Wedding Anniversary this weekend.

Change for Charity On the second Sunday of each month the C.W.L. put out the Change for Charity jar, we collect your change to donate to Saugeen Hospice. Please bring your change next weekend and lets get the satellite location built !

News about Father Jim Zettel: Father Jim Zettel is stationed/living at the Vatican’s Embassy in Ottawa and is the “English Secretary” to the Papal Nuncio.

The “English Secretary” at the Canadian Papal Nuncio (Apostolic Nunciature) is responsible for several important tasks, serving as a crucial link between the Nuncio (the Pope’s diplomatic representative) and the English-speaking community within the country. The role involves a blend of diplomatic, administrative, and communicative duties.

Are you, or someone you know, interested in becoming a Catholic?
The Holy Spirit is alive and moving in our midst. Often people will share that their hearts are longing for ‘something more’. Usually it just takes a simple invitation extended with sincerity to help them take that next step to inquire. If you, or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and maybe becoming a Catholic, we now invite you to contact the parish office. Please prayerfully consider those in your circles of family, friends and work colleagues who might be waiting for this invitation. Intake closes on Monday, September 9, 2024 (for the fall program) From October 2024 we will journey through the RCIA program, sharing in a casual way what the Catholic church teaches, supporting those discerning the decision to become a Catholic, and fostering opportunities to experience God’s love. Everyone’s faith journey is uniquely special, and God’s love is powerful and exciting, bringing new life to whomever is open to receive it. Parish Office: 519-364-1973, Ext. 0 or

Scripture Quote to Ponder and Put in Action:
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”              Luke 12: 6-7

Reflection on Today’s Gospel:

Mark 6: 1-6

  1. Is there a familiar person in your life, that you are surprised how ‘outside’ people show them great honor & appreciation? If so what is it about them that people seek or recognize in their character?
  2. Do you think Jesus might be astonished at your lack of faith? Could it affect what he wills to do for you?
  3. How can one ‘increase their faith’?
  4. Give a witness to Jesus’ power that you have experienced or heard about

SUNDAY LITURGIES – This Weekend: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday Vigil Masses
4:00 pm Location: St. Anne, Chesley Eternal Happiness of Hugh & Irene Chornaby – The Family

6:00 pm Intentions of Darrell & Anne Rehkopf – A friend  
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Adrian Kroetsch

Weekday Schedule

10:30 am Location: Hanover Care Manor For the eternal happiness of Yvonne Gonder – Betty Hunt

7:00 pm
Eternal Happiness of Harold Poechman – The Estate
Eternal Happiness of Marlene Gross – her children
Living & deceased family members of Terry & Rita Halpin
Intentions of Brenda, Brian, Allan & family – Tony & Stephanie Zettel
Intentions of Stephanie & Zach & Family – Donna Kroetsch

9:00 am Intentions of Fabian – Mom & Dad

10:30 am Location: Villa LTC (The Village) Intentions of Jean Hedley – Rosemary O’Hara

7:00 pm Eternal Happiness of Dolores Murray – Don & Helen Waechter

Friday 9:00 am

Eternal Happiness of Joe DelGuidice – The Family
Eternal Happiness of Irene Chornaby – Gates & Evelyn Tanguay
Intentions of Jean – Charlene
Intentions of Glenn Schnurr – Edna Zettler
In Thanksgiving – Shirley Mercey

SUNDAY LITURGIES – 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (July 13/14)

Saturday Vigil Mass
6:00 pm Location: Holy Family, Hanover
Eternal Happiness of Dennis Agombar – Peter Agombar

Sunday Masses
9:00 am Location: Holy Family, Hanover
For all the people of the parish & parish missions
11:00 am Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Mary Poechman – The Estate

Parish News

Community News

Heroes of Hope

Heroes of Hope
Theme: Parish Ministries
Shining a light on individuals and ministries who inspire hope and transform lives in our communities

Read More »

Regular Office Hours

Monday and Tuesday, 9am to 4pm | Wednesday 9am to 12pm | Thursday and Friday, 9am to 4pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • 5:30pm to 5:55pm Saturday Evening
  • 8:30am to 8:55am Sunday Morning
  • By Appointment

Weekday Mass Schedule

Tuesday at 7pm | Wednesday at 9am | Thursday at 7pm | Friday at 9am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday from 9am to Thursday at 9pm. Call the Parish Office to register for an hour, or drop in during that time.

Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the Parish office at 519-364-1973 and we will be glad to help you.

Donate by e-transfer

You can send e-transfers to from your online banking portal or mobile app.

Visit for all donation options.

Get in touch with our team

(519) 364-1973

Call us!

Our Address

352 10th Avenue Hanover, ON N4N 2N6


General Inquiries |

Fr. Romelito Guillen, PP


Rev. Mr. Charles Fernandes


Anne Rehkopf

Office Administration

Parish Secretary

Roy Haskins


Karen Martin


Cheryl Chornaby

Pastoral Associate

Ministry to the sick and shut-in

Sam Zettel

Youth and Evangelization

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