- First Communion Enrolment will take place following the 9 am Mass this weekend. If you missed out, please contact the Parish office this week. Please keep our first communion families in your prayers.
- March for Life Bus Support After Mass this weekend and next weekend, there will be an opportunity to support the youth bus travelling to the March for Life in Ottawa this May. A member of the Knights of Columbus will be at the back of the church to accept your donations. Your contributions will help make this important event possible for our youth. Thank you for your support!
- Friday night Stations of the Cross, 7 pm Holy Family Parish All are welcome
- Please note the parish office will close early at 3 pm, March 28 – April 4th
Lenten Confession
Take time now to plan your Lenten confession. Father is available a half hour before all Masses. Resources to help you examine your conscience are on the table in the Narthex. Be encouraged by this quote from St. Mother Teresa “Confession is Jesus and I, and nobody else. Remember this for life.”
Please note: there is also a Jubilee of Hope Day of Reconciliation on Sat. April 5th, from 10 – 4 pm at Immaculate Conception, Formosa
Holy Family Easter Flowers Would you like to donate to the cost of the Easter Flowers in Memory of a Loved One or for a special intention? The Easter Vigil Mass will be offered for the intentions of Easter Flower Donors as a means of appreciation for supporting our Holy Family Parish in this way.
Play a Musical Instrument?
Consider volunteering and sharing your gift and talent at the Sunday 11am Mass in Carlsruhe. Please speak with Claire or Mary-Catherine after Mass.
Chapel Hours Available Night Hours: Tuesday 1-2 am, & Tuesday 2-3 am If you can commit to one of these hours, please contact Don & Helen at 364-1185
Wedding Anniversary Mass: Sun. June 1st at 1:30 pm at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King Hamilton. Those who during 2025 will be celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th or 60th (or more) are invited to register at www.hamiltondiocese.com or call the parish office for assistance.
Thank you C.W.L. Cookie Bakers for donations used at the Mid-week Hanover Ecumentical Services. Leftovers witll be used for the regional meeting and other upcoming events. Lenten Services continue each Wed. during lent 2-3 pm, at St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church (red brick off 11th Ave) This is a 1/2 hour service followed by light refreshments. All are welcome – bring a friend.
Jubilee Year of Hope – Jubilee Pilgrim Centre A church in each deanery of our dioceses has been declared as the Jubilee Pilgrim Centre. These churches will have a replica of the Holy Door. Parishioners of the Deanery can visit the Pilgrim Centre on certain days when the church will be open. Our Deanery church for the Jubilee 2025 is Immaculate Conception Church, Formosa. Parishioners can visit on the following days this year to receive graces: Friday, March 14th, Friday May 9th, Friday, Aug. 8, & Monday,
Dec. 8. On these days the Church opens at 10 am, Exposition at 10:30 am, Reposition at 4:30 pm; Mass at 5 pm.
There is also a Day of Reconciliation: Sat. April 5th, from 10 am – 4 pm Priests will be available to hear confessions. All are warmly invited to share these moments of grace!
Card Party Tuesday Join with others for a friendly game of euchre or solo on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm in the Holy Family Lenhard Room. Bring a friend. $2. admittance
Reflection on Today’s Gospel Luke 13: 1-9 Discussion Questions
- How does Jesus redirect our thinking about harm coming to others and the correlation to their sinfulness?
- Discuss the parable of the fig tree. Who do you suppose is; the man, the gardener, the fig tree?
- What warning or message is Jesus giving his listeners?
SUNDAY LITURGIES (March 22/23rd)
3rd Sunday of Lent
Saturday Vigil Masses
6:00 pm
Eternal Happiness of Wilbert Stroeder – Mary & Louise Hunt
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of Wilbert Stroeder – John & Cathy Weber
7 pm Mass Solemnity: The Annunciation of the Lord
For all the people of the parish and parish missions
9 am Mass
Troy Gateman – James & Anne Gateman
Anna Marie Koch – Jean Hedley
Bernard & Glenna Oberle, Adrian Oberle, Norman & Tulita Oberle – B Oberle Estate
Intentions of Stephanie – A friend
Intentions of Lauren – Nan
Peace in the World – F.J. Gross
10:30 am Mass Location: Sprucewood
Deceased members of the Troy & Csontos Families – Irene
7:00 pm Mass
Jack Hesch – Helen & Family
James Weber – Pauline Dillon & Family
Friday: 9:00 am Mass Intentions of Mila
Friday 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday: 9 am Mass All are welcome CWL Regional Spring Meeting Follows
4th Sunday of Lent (March 29/30th)
Saturday Vigil Masses
6:00 pm
Special Intention – Members of the Soc. of St. Vincent de Paul
9 am Mass For all the people of the Parish & Parish Missions
11 am Mass – Location: St. Francis Xavier, Carlsruhe
Eternal Happiness of John Hunt, Rick & Sally Hunt, Al Peebles & Doug Wainscott – Betty Hunt