Camp Canada 2023: A review

June 30 to July 2 we took a few days away to enjoy our second annual camping weekend at Hidden Valley camp. Hidden valley is just northwest of Paisley, and I personally recommend it to anyone wanting to do some tenting or trailer camping.

Rustic cabins, close to bathrooms and showers.

We took 17 youth with us in total this year (last year, just the boys went) along with 5 leaders. We rented 4 of the camp’s cabins, which comfortably sleep 8-12 people each, so we had plenty of room. We had our own fire pit and picnic tables, and Bill was gracious enough to provide wood for our fire as well. We cooked on barbecues and the open fire, and

The theme of this year’s retreat was borrowed from our recent Unify series, “The Journey to Trust in Jesus.” I used talks from Unify to form some of my own talks for the youth around the concept of trust – how important trust is between people, how difficult it is to earn it and to give it, and why there are good reasons for trusting in Jesus.

The camp had trampolines, beach volleyball courts, hiking trails, and of course, a great swimming hole in the Saugeen river. The youth visited all of these several times. After each talk they had time to discuss in groups and share with the larger group, and I wonder what the other campers thought when they saw little groups of 3 or 4 youth in various locations around the park.

On Saturday, July 1, there was a modest fireworks display in the evening, followed by a time of worship around the campfire. My brother, Fr. Adam Zettel had joined us and that made the worship time even better. We stayed up fairly late discussing faith matters and, among other things, what trusting in Jesus means.

On Sunday morning Fr. Adam was kind enough to offer Reconciliation for those who desired it, and Sunday Mass under the pavilion. The youth were very as Fr. Adam preached the final piece of our “trust” theme. It was a moving end to the retreat portion of our weekend. After breakfast and one final swim, we finally packed up and headed back to Hanover.

I am always amazed at what Jesus can do in the life of a teenager when they say “yes” to Him. I may think or say this every year, but it is more important than ever to provide them with a place where they are listened to, taught the truth in love and given an environment of acceptance and friendship in which to grow in faith. Many young people do not have such a place. But thanks to you, the parishioners of Holy Family Parish, these ones do. Let us give thanks to God together for what he is doing among us in the hearts of his little ones!

Heroes of Hope

Heroes of Hope
Theme: Parish Ministries
Shining a light on individuals and ministries who inspire hope and transform lives in our communities

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