Capital Campaign

Capital Campaign Progress

Total Goal ($500,000) 65%



for the expansion to kitchen, Lenhard Room, meeting, storage and office space.


336 packets sent

87 parishioners have pledged

41.7% of pledges paid

25.90% participation


$323,388 pledged to date

$134,925 received so far

65% of our goal has been reached

Status Update –  March 11, 2023

The Capital Campaign is on hold for the time being. Please check back for updates.

Status Update –  December 11, 2021

On behalf of the Holy Family Building Committee I would like to provide an update on the Capital Campaign and the status our future addition.

I would like to begin with recognition. I would like to recognize the generosity of our parishioners that pledged $323,388 to our new addition. To date, you have paid $135,000 into the campaign which represents 42% of the pledges. Thank you so very much!
I have been blessed to work with the following people and would like to recognize their dedicated support provided to the Capital Campaign:

  • Capital Campaign Design/Strategy Team (See below)
    Capital Campaign Volunteer Callers (See below)

In August, the Capital Campaign wrapped up and transitioned to the Holy Family Building Committee. The new committee was formed in September and began work on the next steps. The new Building Committee members include:

New – Holy Family Building Committee:

Father Emmanuel
Jennifer Dimeck
Gary Fedy
Travis Rivest
Keith Hundt
Mike Keiffer
Mark Ducharme – Chair

For the past 3 months, the Building Committee has been working diligently on the proposed addition concept drawings and the Feasibility Report. We are pleased to let you know that the concept drawings and Feasibility Report have been completed based on our most recent news from the Town of Hanover. The Town of Hanover advised us that there would be no issues obtaining a building permit. This is very good news. The proposed building plan begins with soliciting contractors in the 3rd quarter 2022 and building completion by end of 2023. The drawings and Feasibility Report will be submitted to the Diocese for approval next week.

As you know, the cost to build has gone up substantially and has affected the overall cost of our project. If you have not donated to the Capital Campaign and are considering a financial contribution to our building project, there is a great opportunity to donate directly to the Holy Family building fund using your envelopes or you can speak to Anne in the Office. For anyone looking to maximize tax deductions in 2021, please consider our building fund.

The concept drawings are on display on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Members of the Building Committee will be at the back of the Church to answer questions after mass.

Going forward, the Building Committee will provide regular status updates at masses on a quarterly basis. Next report March 2022.
Thank you Father and all of you for your time.

Status Update – September 24, 2021

August 31, 2021 marked the end of the Capital Campaign Fundraising effort at Holy Family Hanover. The chart below summarizes what we have achieved with the incredible help from the following people:

Capital Campaign Design/Strategy Team

  • Father Emmanuel
  • Jennifer Dimeck
  • John Hunt
  • Diane McNichol-Byers
  • Tony Zettel
  • Jim Zettel
  • Sam Zettel
  • Nicole Billington
  • Mark Ducharme

Capital Campaign Volunteer Callers

  • Father Emmanuel
  • Diane McNichol-Byers
  • Dorothy O’Connell
  • Don Ruetz
  • Laura Hergott
  • Rob Halpin
  • Linda Lehman
  • Stephanie Zettel
  • Jennifer Dimeck
  • John Hunt
  • Mark Ducharme
  • Anna Smith

Holy Family Hanover Capital Campaign Results:

The results indicate we exceeded our 2017 revenue target meaning the Diocese will provide Holy Family an additional $54,200 toward our project which is included in the total above.

Our team is extremely grateful for the generosity of the parish at this very challenging time. We did fall short on our campaign target but for those of you that would like to directly support the project, there is still time to do so. Please contact the parish office for assistance.

Next Steps:

On September 15th, a new Building Committee Team was established to oversee the Maintenance program at Holy Family Church and the future Building Addition Project. The new team consists of the following people:

  • Father Emmanuel
  • Jennifer Dimeck
  • Gary Fedy
  • Travis Rivest
  • Keith Hundt
  • Mark Ducharme

The team is presently working on a Feasibility Study Report for the Diocese
of Hamilton as part of the building approval process.

The Feasibility Study Report defines our project (1500 square foot single floor + basement addition), benefits, project timelines, drawings, permits etc. The team is fine tuning the concept drawings and will select a final layout in the very near future. The drawings are a high priority at this time for the building permit and future contractor quotations.

On behalf of the Capital Campaign Fund Raising Committee, a huge THANK YOU!

Stay tuned for our monthly updates.

Progress Report: April 29, 2021

Capital Campaign Update – April 29th – in the past two weeks, since the last update, progress continues with the fundraising effort for the One Heart One Soul capital campaign for Holy Family Parish.  This is thanks to the support of those of you who have submitted pledge forms to date.  The Information below is as of April 29th:

Fundraising Goal: $500,000   for expansion to kitchen, Lenhard Room, meeting spaces, etc.

Pledges to date: 69 parishioners have made a pledge as of April 29 – thank you!

Pledged to date: $297,088 has been pledged by the parishioners who have submitted pledges!

Percent of goal reached: 59.4%.  Closing in on 60%.

Progress Report: April 16, 2021

Capital Campaign Update – April 16th – in the past two weeks, since the last update, we have made continued progress on our fundraising effort for the One Heart One Soul capital campaign for Holy Family Parish. This is thanks to the support of those of you who have submitted pledge forms to date. The Information below is as of April 16th:

Fundraising Goal: $500,000 for expansion to kitchen, Lenhard Room, meeting spaces, etc.

Pledges to date: 59 parishioners have made a pledge as of April 16 – thank you!

Pledged to date: $272,388 has been pledged by the parishioners who have submitted pledges!

Percent of goal reached: 54.5%. We are over half way now!

As reported in the last campaign update, there is an interim target that we have been hoping to reach soon. That interim target is $262,000, and we have now exceeded that target. That means that Holy Family Parish will receive a contribution of about $52,400 from the Diocese toward our campaign. That is a huge boost for the campaign.

If you have already submitted a pledge form to the Diocese, THANK YOU again! If you have not had a chance to fill out the pledge form yet, we ask that you please do so as soon as you can – the parish needs your help to meet our goal. Please give this your prayerful consideration.

If you have misplaced your pledge package, or if you have questions concerning the campaign, please call the Parish office at 519-364-1973, or and Anne will have a capital campaign committee member contact you to answer your questions or assist however they can.

Thank you again, and please watch the bulletin and Parish website for periodic updates on the Parish’s progress to meeting our goal.


Progress Report: April 1, 2021

It has been a few weeks since our initial report to you about the fundraising effort for the One Heart One Soul capital campaign for Holy Family Parish. Since that original report, the Parish has made continued progress toward our goal, thanks to the support of those of you who have submitted pledge forms to date. The Information below is as of April 1st:

Fundraising Goal: $500,000 for expansion to kitchen, Lenhard Room, meeting spaces, etc.

Pledges to date: 44 parishioners have made a pledge as of April 1 – thank you!

Pledged to date: $228,468 has been pledged by the parishioners who have submitted pledges – wow!

Percent of goal reached: 45.7%. We are closing in on half way already, in just a little over a month!

There is an interim target that we are trying to reach soon. That interim target is $262,000. When we meet that target, we will receive a contribution of about $52,400 back from the Diocese toward our campaign, and that will be a big help in the overall campaign.

If you have already submitted a pledge form to the Diocese, THANK YOU again! You have gotten us off to a great start! If you have not had a chance to fill out the pledge form yet, we ask that you please do so as soon as you can – the parish needs your help to meet our goal. Please give this your prayerful consideration.

If you have misplaced your pledge package, or if you have questions concerning the campaign, please call the Parish office at 519-364-1973, or and Anne will have a capital campaign committee member contact you to answer your questions or assist however they can.

Thank you again, and please watch the bulletin and Parish website for periodic updates on the Parish’s progress to meeting our goal.

Progress Report: March 12, 2021

Fundraising Goal: $500,000

Pledges to date: 10

Pledged to date: $150,993

Percent of goal reached: 30.2%

Participation: 3.0%

Capital Campaign kicks off February 21, 2021

Below is the link to our parish’s webpage on the One Heart, One Soul Campaign website. It is here that you and your fellow parishioners can find Fr. Emmanuel’s message for the campaign. On this webpage you will also be able to see: the official campaign video, Holy Family’s parish’s case insert, have access to the campaign website to find out what other parishes have done in their campaigns, look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) and, finally, if you so choose, go online to make your pledge to the campaign.

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