Change Conference 2024

Friday October 18 and Saturday October 19, 2024

Meet at Holy Family Friday at 3pm, or arrive outside at SHHS at 3:30pm

Depart the event Saturday at 8:30pm, arrive at Holy Family at 11:00pm

Car pooling, leaders driving.

Cost: $60 until tickets run out. $75 after that.

What this covers: Friday bag dinner, light breakfast on Saturday. Other meals, shirts, souvenirs, etc. are your responsibility.


Mary Mother of God Parish – 2745 North Ridge Trail, Oakville, has graciously agreed to let us camp in two of their meeting rooms again this year.

We will be sleeping on the floor/carpet so please pack accordingly.

Content of the Conference

This year’s theme is “For the Good”

“And we know that in all things God works FOR THE GOOD of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

The Change Conference is organized and led by Youth for Christ Canada. This is a Christian organization which seeks to lead teens to Jesus primarily through their vast network of drop-in centres throughout the country. Their message is always one of hope, freedom, and forgiveness in Christ through the power of the Gospel. 

Friday night is a kickoff celebration with live music.

Saturday is the main conference event. Teens have the opportunity to chose workshops and activities that interest them throughout the day. 

We will be going for fast food at lunch and Swiss Chalet for dinner Saturday.


  • Jacket and/or sweater
  • Clothing for the weather (1 change)
  • Overnight supplies, toiletries, overnight clothing
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Pillow, Sleeping bag or blankets
  • Air mattress or cot (recommended)
  • Enough money for food and anything else you plan to buy.
  • A snack for the evening when we return to the church.

Don’t Bring

  • Electronics of any kind
  • Alcohol or drugs
  • Valuable items like jewelry or cash

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