CWL 2019 Highlights

The Catholic Women’s League has been active this year. Monthly meetings held February through May covered a variety of interests and information.

St. Valentine was the highlight in February. This dear saint worked tirelessly to spread the words and love of Jesus and was martyred February 14, 269.  Members learned this about the saint and other facts of interest regarding St. Valentine’s Day while sharing in a potluck supper.

In March, the focus was on the right to life. Representatives from the local Pregnancy Centre gave a report on the centres activities as they offer an alternative to abortion and support expectant mothers. The CWL members donated baby items to the centre along with a cheque.

April was for Easter. Two special guests shared with us the Ukrainian traditions of decorating eggs and preparing Easter baskets.  These baskets are lined with linens and filled with traditional foods and breads to be blessed and enjoyed at the Easter meal.

May was for gardening and enjoying the outdoors. Plants, seedlings, bulbs and books for summer reading were exchanged with one another.  We learned about spring plants and flowers and identified each provinces Provincial Flower.

All this was similarly mixed with prayer, information and awareness of the issues of the day and happenings within the parish and the diocese.


Print 🖨 PDF 📄On Saturday, March 29, 2025 Since we have 3 meetings this month

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