CWL Christmas Dinner

On December 5th, seventy seven members and guests gathered together to enjoy an evening of fun following 5 pm mass.  The turkey dinner with all the trimmings was a pleasure to eat.  Dessert consisted of assorted pies and cheesecake.

Following dinner there were a couple of presentations.   The CWL presented our Christmas gift to our Spiritual Director.  Also service pins were presented to a number of members for their many years of dedicated service to the league.

The penny table was a huge success raising $179 for charity. The sock tree resulted in a whopping  246 pairs of socks being donated for the needy in our area for distribution through the St. Vincent de Paul Society.  Also donated was a goodly amount of peanut butter and crackers.  This is in conjunction with the CWL province wide ‘Warmth and Comfort’ project.

In the entertainment segment, the Candycaners competed against Father’s Angels in a lively game of CWL Family Feud.  The successful guesses for the top 10 answers to the survey questions resulted in points being stacked up on both sides.  In the end, Father’s Angels flew to the top to be the overall winners.

The evening concluded with the singing of Silent Night, as the lights were dimmed.

Merry Christmas to all!



Print 🖨 PDF 📄On Saturday, March 29, 2025 Since we have 3 meetings this month

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