March for Life 2015

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Join The Mustard Seeds Youth Group on their excursion to the March for Life.

CHANGE IN PLANS! Please note the time change. We will be joining the Holy Family Parish bus, organized by our local Knights of Columbus, and going for ONE DAY instead of three. This is to accommodate those working, and those who would find it difficult to miss a full three days of school.

Your leaders took many factors into consideration and decided that this was the best way to allow people to go to this important event while being sensitive to the needs of the youth group.

Thank you for your understanding!

The cost has also changed from $80 to $50. I’ve been told that if this is a problem for some people, that they should give what they can and still reserve their space.


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March For Life

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Download the March for Life Permission Form

Each year at the National March For Life, tens of thousands gather to demand protection for children before and after birth. Last year, an estimated 25,000 pro-lifers assembled on Parliament Hill and marched through downtown Ottawa to inform Canadians that we are the only western nation with no protection for the unborn. Provincial Marches For Life also take place simultaneously across Canada, drawing thousands more.

Since 1969, over 4 million children have been killed by abortion in Canada. In 2015, another 100,000 babies will be put to death, at taxpayer expense, while society turns a blind eye. This event is a great opportunity for people of all ages to join in the civil rights movement of our day. By your presence, you can show lawmakers that the abortion issue is not settled.

Taken from


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  • There are no laws in Canada restricting abortion or protecting life in the womb. Canada is the only Western Nation with no abortion law.
  • A woman may obtain an abortion in Canada at any point during her pregnancy, even after the baby is viable.
  • “Partial-birth” abortion is fully legal.
  • Over 100,000 pre-born children will be killed by abortion this year.
  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said that he will not “re-open the abortion debate”
  • Most Canadians feel that abortion should at least be restricted to early pregnancy.
  • 96% of abortions are performed for convenience as a back-up birth control method.
  • Abortion is fully funded by taxpayers, at a cost of $30-50 Million a year.


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Youth in grades 8-12. Students finishing grade 7 in June are also welcome.


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We will be participating in the following events surrounding the March for Life:

Mass – (Location undecided – Thursday morning when we arrive)

March for Life – downtown Ottawa (Thursday afternoon)

This is the main event! Tens of thousands of people will joyfully, peacefully, and safely walk through the streets of downtown Ottawa to voice our support for the protection of life inside the womb.


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Departing at 12:00am on Thursday, May 14th from Holy Family Church.

Returning home by 11:55pm the same day.

We will be traveling by Coach Bus. The bus is being organized by our local Knights of Columbus (Hanover and Walkerton Councils).


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Cost: $50

There will be adult chaperones present, and students will be split into groups and supervised at all times.

Participants should bring extra spending money.

We will be stopping on the way there for breakfast and on the way back for dinner. Please plan accordingly!

We will provide a bag lunch to eat in the park following Mass.

Things you will need:

  • Appropriate clothing 
  • Rain gear
  • Games/Activities
  • Snacks
  • Money (2 meals and perhaps extras)



Heroes of Hope

Heroes of Hope
Theme: Parish Ministries
Shining a light on individuals and ministries who inspire hope and transform lives in our communities

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