Men’s Retreat

Calling All Men!

Are you stuck in a spiritual rut? 
Slipping into a lukewarm attitude?
Need something to restart the faith engine? 

The Hanover K of C has designed this half day retreat for guys who are busy, but know that we all need a kick start once in a while.  Drawing on the writings of St. John Paul II  and the hope of the Jubilee Year, this 4 hour retreat promises to be a powerful and challenging look at what God asks of us as men of faith. 

Join with us and enjoy the company of brothers who share the common destiny of believers in Christ.

Agenda- Men’s Retreat “The Jubilee Year: A Call to Holiness and Renewal!”
Saturday, Feb 22, 2025, Holy Family Church

9:00 AM Holy Mass
9:45 First Conference 
10:15 Individual reflection and prayer
10:45 Second Conference 
11:15 Individual reflection and prayer
11:45 Q and A with Retreat Director
12:30 Refreshments and Lunch
During the times for individual reflection and after lunch Father Ignatius will be available to hear confessions.

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