Have you ever wondered..
Is there more to life than this?
Alpha is a course that centres around a meal, friendship, discussion, and teaching about life’s biggest questions.

Catholic Women's League
Spirit-filled women praying, growing, serving, sharing. The Catholic Women’s League gathers regularly to pray and to serve the Parish through fundraising, outreach, and in a number of different ways.
Women age 16 and up are invited to join.

Visiting the Sick
Teams of volunteers visit the sick and shut-ins on a regular basis, and take communion to those who cannot be with us at our Sunday liturgy.
We are always looking for kind, caring individuals to serve God in this capacity! Contact Cheryl for details.

Network is a 3-week series for existing and potential volunteers. Don’t let its brevity fool you – this course is a life-altering exploration of your spiritual gifts.
Be prepared for introspection, a follow-up consultation and even some homework!

Knights of Columbus
Founded by Ven. Michael J. McGivney, the Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternity which gathers in support of the local church and other charities.
Contact us and we would be glad to put you in touch.

Children's Liturgy
For kids ages 4-7. Come to our 10am Mass and wait to be called forward by Father.
Kids learn about the readings of the day in a context appropriate to their age group.

Canadian Food for Children
CFFC is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to taking food, clothing, and basic supplies to the poorest children around the world.
At the request of Mother Teresa to Dr. Andrew Simone, founder, we collect food and useful items which are then sorted and sent around the world. Consider adding an item to your grocery cart and dropping it off in the box at the Church.

Rite of Christian Initation for Adults
Thinking of becoming a Catholic? Want to learn more about your faith?
RCIA is designed to walk you through the basics of the Catholic faith, possibly leading to Baptism or entry into the Catholic Church.
Contact us if you are interested.

Small Groups
Joining together for prayer, faith sharing, learning, and evangelization is an essential part of the Christian life for all of us.
We are excited to have a number of small, faith-sharing groups meeting in homes and in the Parish on a regular basis. Please contact the office to find out which small group is right for you!
To join a small group or for more information, contact us.

Perpetual Adoration
Come and visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, 24-hours a day, six days a week.
We often have weekly hours to fill. Please check our bulletin for a listing.

Youth Ministry
The Mustard Seeds (Grades 8-12) and Not Ashamed (Grades 5-7) are the parish’s outreaches to youth.
Join us!

St. Vincent de Paul
Our own SSVP offers food and financial support for those requiring emergency assistance. Volunteers from the society meet confidentially with clients on Thursday afternoons, by appointment. Please contact our Parish office if you need assistance, or know of someone who does.
Volunteers for this ministry are always needed, and we always accept non-perishable food donations to help those in need!

Prayer Network
Prayer works! Let our prayer network know that you need prayer, whether it is in a crisis or a general need by calling or messaging us.
Requests are passed confidentially to our Prayer Network via phone chain, and these dedicated, prayerful individuals will begin praying for your needs immediately.