Crafting your Personal Testimony
What is a testimony? A testimony is a public account of something God is doing in your life. The word “testimony” is used interchangeably with “witness”, and both are english translations of the Greek word “martys”. To give testimony is to give witness. A “martyr” is a witness, one who pays the ultimate price for one’s “witness” or “testimony.” Every Christian became a Christian, at least in part, because of the testimony, or witness of someone else, whether it was a parent, grandparent, friend, leader, or even a stranger. (It makes sense to reflect on whose witness or testimony was

What is the Network Course?
Network is a 3-session course intended to help participants discover their God-given spiritual gifts. This is a personal discovery program – the focus is on you and the gifts God has given you for service in the Church.
Participants are provided with a very useful manual and enlist the help of others that know them well in the process. The end result is to arrive at a primary gift, one or two secondary gifts, a discovery of your personal passion for ministry and your ministry style.
Why provide this course?
Participants find that knowing their God-given gifts is enormously helpful. It is enlightening to discover oneself, highlights your strengths but also weaknesses and potential pitfalls. It helps you to embrace who you are and to avoid tendencies you may have that could put relationships and ministry success at risk.
This information will help you serve according to who you are rather than just “filling a need.” In a follow-up coaching session with the Network team, you will be show areas of ministry in the church that match your passion, gifts, and style. Serving in one of these areas will hopefully be a more natural fit than being in a ministry that does not require your particular set of gifts.