Confirmation Preparation

Lord, send out your spirit, and renew the face of the earth!

Confirmation is usually celebrated in grade 7. 

Candidates are usually prepared for the Sacrament in school. The parish offers a retreat for Confirmation candidates, including the Sacrament of Reconciliation, prior to the Confirmation ceremony.

The parish preparation program focuses on the parents of these children, by offering the Alpha Course to parents who haven’t taken it recently. We feel strongly that the best way to ensure lifelong faith is to give faith in Jesus to their parents, and help the whole family to be integrated into a vibrant faith community.

If you have any questions or concerns, or need help with anything, please let us help you!

Samuel Zettel

Director of Youth and Evangelization

Phone or Text: 519-372-5313 Email:

Register for 2025 after 9am Mass on March 23, 2025

Invitation to the Sacrament of


We are pleased to invite baptized, Catholic children in grade 7 to enroll to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Older students who missed receiving this Sacrament in grade 7 may also enroll.

Please come to our Enrollment Sunday, where you will receive the enrollment form and the opportunity to meet Father Romelito, Deacon Charles Fernandes and those involved in the preparation program.

Our whole Parish family is looking forward, with joy, to embarking on this journey with you!

Since the Sacraments are received through the Parish, we ask that you direct any questions, requests for special accommodation or concerns that you have to Sam at the Parish Office.

Steps for Students

1) Decide on a name

We prefer that you use your middle name if it is a Saint’s name, but you may choose any Catholic Saint!

You will likely be doing a research project on this Saint as part of the school’s religion course.

The Parish needs to know this name for our records.

2) Decide on a Sponsor

Your sponsor can be anyone who:

  • Attends Weekend Mass regularly
  • Is a Baptized Catholic
  • Is over 16 years of age
  • Is not a parent or grandparent

2) Prepare

Take part in your school preparation program.

Encourage your family to attend Mass with you!

Attend the Confirmation retreat, usually a few weeks before Confirmation.

Meet with your sponsor and ask them why they love Jesus

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