Past Events and Meetings
At last week’s youth meeting we welcomed Mrs. Shannon Oberle, who shared with us about how nature and animals provide a thin place for her, and how she experiences God most readily when in nature with her horse, Hildalgo. Thank you Shannon!
Upcoming Events and Meetings
Next Youth Meeting: November 19 from 7:00pm to 9:45pm, beginning with a light meal.
Games Night: December 3rd from 7:00pm to 9:45pm, beginning with a light meal.
Final Youth gathering of 2022: December 17th from 7:00pm to 9:45pm, beginning with a light meal.
All youth in grades 8-12 are welcome!
NEW Youth Choir (ages 9 and up)
All children/youth ages 9 and up are welcome to join the new youth choir. Our first practice will be on Thursday, December 1 from 4-5pm. Snack will be available after school for students coming from Holy Family.
Music style will be modern/contemporary worship mixed with ageless liturgical classics.
We will be providing music at most 6pm Saturday evening Masses. Please consider whether you can attend this Mass on a regular basis before signing up!
Sign up here: https://airtable.com/shr0cflix2l9UzEFq
If you normally take the bus, please have your parents provide a note to the school indicating that you will be walking over to the church.