We need your help

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The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is busy planning and preparing for the annual Christmas Hamper program for the less fortunate in our community. We like to make a difference and bring some joy to their lives this Christmas.

Last year at Christmas we were able to provide 77 Christmas Hampers so 31 single people and 46 families (including 66 children) could have a Merry Christmas. We are very grateful for the help and generosity of you, our parishioners over the past years.

If you are able to help us again this year, there are many ways in which you can participate:

+ There will be boxes in the Narthex for cans and non-perishable food. We are also collecting large re-usable grocery bags.
+ There is a Giving Tree with request cards for clothing and non-violent toys.
+ Envelopes have been placed in the pews for your monetary donation.

May Almighty God bless you with love, joy and peace during this upcoming season of Advent.


Bulletin for March 2, 2025

“Can a blind man lead another blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone, when fully trained will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:39-40

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