2022: Thankful to God and to You

This is the first time I’ve published a year-in-review article, but I’m also not great at saying “thank you” as often as I should. Not to mention that the sound equipment is put away, all my Christmas gifts are delivered and I’m snowed in – thankful as well to be in a warm house with the electricity still on (at time of publication) and plenty of food and water.

2022 had its high and low points, and in some ways it was still as challenging a year as the two previous. Meeting restrictions and mask mandates dogged us until spring, and it still feels like we’re shaking off our boots after walking through the mud of COVID. Even so, as a parish we were able to accomplish many outreaches and events aimed at welcoming new people into our community, and putting us in the public eye as a church that is caring, welcoming, and has the Source of salvation for all.

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry did not miss a beat this year. We were able to keep meeting in various ways, whether it was outside, or in homes, or in smaller groups throughout the year. We were even able to have a mini-retreat at St. Anne’s, Chesley in March for the Holy Spirit section of the Alpha course for teens, which we ran from September 2021 to June 2022. This summer we were able to have our annual bonfire night at the Zettel farm, as well as three “Wacky Wednesday” events in June before going on break for August. The boys took part in a camping retreat with Fr. Adam Zettel, LC, and the girls “glamped” near Barrie for their weekend away.

Most recently, the youth held a Halloween food drive to support St. Vincent de Paul with their Christmas hamper program and weekly food program.

A huge thank-you

Without my devoted team of leaders, who both advise me and minister to the youth alongside me, none of this would be possible. Niki, April, Dane, Greg, Barb and Austin, we appreciate you and all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. Thank you to all of the parents as well, for stepping up and stepping in wherever we need you.

“The Church has Left the Building…”

It was a big year for evangelization at Holy Family as well. UNIFY is a fairly new initiative, which is a weekly service run in series and is intended for those who may be new to our community. That said, many of our regular members enjoy it as well! Music, preaching, testimonies, prayers for healing, and a “free cafe” make it a night for all ages, and all levels of experience with Church. Unify ran twice in 2022, once in the winter and once outdoors in late spring. Following the last night of the June series, our youth band was blessed to play at the P&H Centre for Canada day.

Alpha is a video series intended to spark conversation about life’s biggest questions, and to gently introduce people to the basics of Christianity. It also forms community around a meal and a discussion. Alpha began in March of this year and ended in May. Many new relationships were formed, and we saw those who participated at a number of events later in the year. The meals were provided by a team of volunteers who each prepared a slow-cooker meal and brought it to the church for our guests to enjoy. Cathy baked up a storm and provided us with an endless supply of sweets for dessert. Because of the generosity of these volunteers, we were able to keep costs extremely low. A big thank you to all of you – you know who you are!

“…but we’re coming back – with friends!”

This summer, with the help of Deacon Charles I formed an advisory team to help steer our evangelization efforts. This team consists of Pam, Jordan, April, Ted, Bryan, Charles and myself. This powerhouse of a team has made enormous strides in helping us stay focused, using our time, energy and financial resources wisely. We held a retreat in December for a larger group of parishioners who we thought would benefit from a greater understanding of how the church and the world are changing, and what it means for us to be on mission.

It was this team (Jordan in particular – thanks Jordan!) who decided we should try something as an alternative to a fall Alpha – and “The Chosen Series” was born. We launched the series by showing episode 1 at the Paramount Theatre in Hanover at the beginning of October, and subsequent episodes at Holy Family School – complete with not one but TWO slow-cooker meals. Our opening night drew about 160 people out, many of whom we had not seen at any event before, and the rest of the series grew as the weeks went on, ending with an average of 60 people in attendance!

We rounded out the year by offering a Community Christmas Service on December 21st called “Light in our Darkness” attended by 50 people, with many new faces in the crowd.

The number of people in the Parish who made these events possible is astounding, and if I tried to list them all, I would forget someone for sure. There were those who cooked for us, baked for us (and put them into 100 tiny bags to give out at the Christmas service), led discussion groups, played music, gave testimonies and teachings, printed posters and postcards… the list goes on and on. And I also want to thank everyone for simple being there at these events. Having our committed members present at these events is essential – it is so important for our guests to simply see a friendly faces or receive a handshake or a warm smile.

A sign of great hope

For me, seeing people meet Jesus, or getting to know him in a more profound way though the ministry of our Parish gives me a lot of hope. Jesus’ coming brough hope into the world – light into the darkness – and he continues to bring light and hope whenever one of God’s little ones says “yes” and allows him in. I am so blessed to be able to have a front-row seat to the lives that are being changed. Coming out of a time of fear and uncertainty, we can take solace and be certain that God is still at work, the Holy Spirit is still moving in us and Jesus is still “drawing all people to himself.” To participate in that, with all of you, is an enormous joy for me. I intend, with your help, to help bring even more members of our wider community into “the Family” – the family of faith and love that is Holy Family Parish.

And so, to all of you who were part of the adventure, and to all of those who support the mission with your prayers, your donations, and your presence…



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