CWL 2019 Highlights

The Catholic Women’s League has been active this year. Monthly meetings held February through May covered a variety of interests and information. St. Valentine was the highlight in February. This dear saint worked tirelessly to spread the words and love of Jesus and was martyred February 14, 269. Members learned this about the saint and […]
CWL Christmas Dinner

On December 5th, seventy seven members and guests gathered together to enjoy an evening of fun following 5 pm mass. The turkey dinner with all the trimmings was a pleasure to eat. Dessert consisted of assorted pies and cheesecake. Following dinner there were a couple of presentations. The CWL presented our Christmas gift to our […]
November Memorial

As November is the month of the Holy Souls, it is proper to pause and remember and pray for those who have passed from this earthly life. At the November CWL meeting, we conducted a beautiful memorial to honour in a special way our Catholic Women’s League members who have gone to eternal life this […]
CWL hosts mental health speakers
The Catholic Women’s League is in its second year of the theme, Inspired by the Spirit: Women Respond to God’s Call, and is focusing its attention nationally on mental health. In keeping with this national theme and focus, we invited two speakers to come to the October meeting from the local mental health association. In […]
Spring 2018 at CWL

The spring meetings were filled with prayerful, interesting and informative topics. One speaker gave a presentation on the subject of mental illness. With 27 years’ experience in the community working with the mentally challenged, the woman spoke from first-hand experience. The causes, the affects, the challenges were underlined. Within the spirit of our faith community, […]
CWL Highlights Winter 2018

The Holy Family Parish Council of the Catholic Women’s League has been active these early months of 2018. January was finance month. The 2018 budget was put forth for discussion and approval. After setting aside a small amount of funds for operating, the balance of the money raised through fund raising was approved for donation […]